Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MSNBC: Why can’t Team Obama stop talking about the debate? « Hot Air

MSNBC: Why can’t Team Obama stop talking about the debate? « Hot Air: "The continuing focus on the debate by Team Obama was one reason that Romney’s bounce could turn into a surge.  Instead of putting the debate in the rear-view mirror by offering a substantive declaration of a second-term agenda — which is already several months late in coming — Obama and his campaign chose perhaps the least substantive moment from the debate to bring it all back up to voters.  This is a campaign that has entirely run out of gas, so much so that the only topic they can handle is Big Bird.  That doesn’t look presidential; it doesn’t look like anyone at Team Obama really cares about looking presidential and addressing the big issues any longer.  They’re defaulting on the big issues and second-term agenda to Romney.  If that continues, the polling shift will soon transform into a surge."

'via Blog this'

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