White House: What, repeal this expensive, dirty boondoggle of an ethanol mandate? Ridiculous! « Hot Air: "Oh, I’ll tell you what’s ridiculous: That the artificial incentives (hint: mandate) created by the Renewable Fuels Standard are messing with worldwide food prices, to the detriment of the poor; that both environmentalists groups and oil companies now think that ethanol is a generally terrible idea; that all of this biofuel production is turning out to be demonstrably not even a little bit “green,” as it brings marginal lands into production and costs more carbon to produce than it actually saves; that Europe (Europe!) is now scaling back on what they’re beginning to admit is one heck of an expensive taxpayer subsidy; that the federal government’s arbitrary standards are a factor in rising gas prices; and that somehow, somehow, the Big Ethanol Lobby and the bureaucrats who love them are still able to say that this was ever a worthwhile endeavor while maintaining a straight face. That is all highly, wildly ridiculous."
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