Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Concha: Bill Clinton Pardoned, Tops ‘Most Forgivable Liar’ Poll | Mediaite

Concha: Bill Clinton Pardoned, Tops ‘Most Forgivable Liar’ Poll | Mediaite: "The 67-year-old Clinton leading the pack here is not surprising. His approval rating stands around 70 percent. In the Washington Post, the “Why He Matters” section of his biography states he “presided over the longest peacetime economic expansion in American history.” Mr. Clinton — despite the Lewinsky affair, despite all the lying about it during and afterward — is more viewed as the guy who ran the country during the good old days: Solid economy, budget surpluses instead of massive deficits, no major international conflicts costing American lives overseas (Black Hawk Down in Somalia being an exception). Much more the centrist than the current occupant in the White House, he worked with Republicans to enact welfare reform — who owned the House under now — CNN Crossfire co-host Newt Gingrich."

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