Monday, November 25, 2013

Your Crazy Uncle's 5 Most Insane Obamacare Talking Points

Your Crazy Uncle's 5 Most Insane Obamacare Talking Points: "Did you catch that? “In fact, almost 6 in 10 uninsured Americans may be able to get coverage for $100 a month or less.”

May? May? You could drive the 1st Armored Division through the hole blown in that sentence by the use of that qualifier. You may survive a jump out of a plane 30,000 feet above the Alps wearing a wingsuit. You may finally throw caution to the wind, take a few lessons and win a ballroom dancing competition. That profile you’ve been eyeing on may be understating how attractive and accomplished they are. But after you promise people — without any conditional statements — that they can keep their insurance if they want to (spoiler: they can’t) and can keep their doctor if they want to (spoiler: they can’t), only crazy uncles would buy crazy conditional statements such as these."

'via Blog this'

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