Wednesday, November 6, 2013

European Union’s official backpedaling on green-energy subsidies really picking up speed « Hot Air

European Union’s official backpedaling on green-energy subsidies really picking up speed « Hot Air: "It wasn’t so very long ago that European bureaucrats were so confidently and overwhelmingly convinced that the hassles and expenses of forcibly integrating more and more renewable (read: wind and solar) energies into their various infrastructures were unquestionably worth it — but one major recession and the subsequently ongoing months of stagnation and joblessness later, the tide of popular opinion has already begun to turn the other way. European consumers are largely in a state of outrage as they reap the consequences of the energy policies put in place by their elected officials, coming in the form of costly energy bills that are increasingly comprised of charges, taxes, and subsidies, these days by a rough estimate of about half."

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