Monday, November 18, 2013

Martin Bashir apologizes for indulging in on-air scatalogical insult to Sarah Palin « Hot Air

Martin Bashir apologizes for indulging in on-air scatalogical insult to Sarah Palin « Hot Air: "There’s a neat trick the Left has. When you do something stupid and vile, make it so stupid and vile that it makes people uncomfortable to even repeat what you’ve done in order to call you on it. Ted Kennedy is a perfect example. It’s so horrible to leave a woman to drown in a car you drunkenly wrecked while you stagger home to save your political career that even repeating the charge gives everyone an icky feeling. Opposition to born alive infant protection laws is another one. It’s so horrible to oppose a law that would require treatment for newborn babies who survive late-term abortions that low-information voters are likely to think the charge is false because it sounds so very unreasonable."

'via Blog this'

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